Resetting Customer Passwords

If a customer forgets their password, they can:

  • Use the Forgot Password link on the login page to reset it themselves.
  • Change their password while logged in by selecting My Account.

To Reset a Password on Their Behalf:

  1. Open Customers from the left-hand menu.
  2. Locate the customer’s organization and click Manage Customers.
  3. Navigate to the Users tab.
  4. Find the user and open the kebab menu (three vertical dots).
  5. Select Reset Password.
  6. In the modal, enter the new password and click Save.

Resetting Owner Password

If the Owner password is forgotten:

  1. Standard Reset:
    Use the Forgot Password link on the login page, then follow the steps to reset the password.

  2. SQL Method for New Installations:
    If system-generated emails are not yet configured, reset the Owner password using SQL:

    • Run the following on your control server:

      docker exec -it authd-postgres psql -U enhance
    • In the SQL prompt, execute:

      CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;
      UPDATE logins SET password = DECODE(CRYPT('NEW_PASSWORD', gen_salt('bf')), 'escape') WHERE email = '';

      Replace NEW_PASSWORD with the desired password and with the Owner's email address.

  3. Log in with the new password.

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