PHP.INI settings can be configured on three levels, providing flexibility to manage PHP behavior globally, on servers, or for individual websites.

1. Service-Level PHP.INI Settings

These global settings are automatically applied to all servers in the cluster.

Steps to configure:

  1. Go to Settings from the left-side menu.
  2. Select Service.
  3. Scroll to the Application section and adjust the PHP.INI settings as required.

2. Server-Level PHP.INI Settings

Servers inherit global Service settings by default, but these can be overridden for specific servers.

Steps to override settings for a server:

  1. Navigate to Servers from the left-side menu.
  2. Locate and select the desired server.
  3. On the server dashboard, scroll to the Roles section and click the Application tab.
  4. Select Settings, then scroll to PHP Settings to make changes.

3. Website-Level PHP.INI Settings

Websites inherit PHP.INI settings from their server, but these can be customized if the hosting package enables the php.ini editor.

  • Note: Inherited settings cannot be deleted but can be edited.

Steps to override settings for a website:

  1. Go to Websites from the left-side menu.
  2. Locate the website and access its dashboard.
  3. Click the Advanced dropdown menu.
  4. Select Developer Tools and scroll to the php.ini Editor.


If you cannot see the PHP.INI editor, verify that 'Allow PHP.INI editor' is enabled in the website’s hosting package.

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