PHP Logging

PHP logging can be configured at both the server level and website level, providing flexibility for error monitoring and debugging.

Set Server-Level PHP Logging

Steps to configure PHP logging for a server:

  1. Navigate to Servers from the left-hand side menu.
  2. Select the server you wish to adjust.
  3. Click on Application Role, then choose Settings.
  4. Scroll to PHP Settings and click Add Directive.
  5. Add or adjust the following directives:
    • error_reporting
    • error_log
    • log_errors

Example Configuration:

error_reporting = E_ALL  
error_log = error_log  
log_errors = 1  

Set Website-Level PHP Logging

To adjust logging on a specific website, use the php.ini editor available under the Developer Tools section of the website dashboard (if enabled in the hosting package).

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