Service Websites in Enhance

Service Websites host essential services such as the Control Panel, phpMyAdmin, and Webmail. These are located on the Control Panel server and cannot be moved to other servers. Both the Master Organisation and Resellers have their own Service Websites, identifiable by specific domain tags.

Control Panel Website

  • The Control Panel Website serves as the login portal for customers.
  • Master Organisation configures its domain during installation.
  • Resellers set their domain upon first login.

To Change the Control Panel Domain:

  1. Open Settings in the left menu.
  2. Navigate to Platform > Control panel website domains.
  3. Click Edit next to the existing domain.
  4. Click Save.

Existing users can still use the previous domain if it resolves.

phpMyAdmin Website

  • Provides a web-based interface for database management.
  • The domain setup automatically installs phpMyAdmin.
  • Includes a single sign-on link in the customer dashboard for direct access.

To Change the phpMyAdmin Domain:

  1. Open Settings in the left menu.
  2. Navigate to Platform > Control panel website domains.
  3. Click Edit next to the phpMyAdmin domain.
  4. Click Save.

Existing users can still use the old domain if it resolves.

Webmail Website

  • Allows email access via Roundcube, automatically installed during setup.
  • Customers can access Webmail through a dashboard link.

To Change the Webmail Domain:

  1. Open Settings in the left menu.
  2. Navigate to Platform > Control panel website domains.
  3. Click Edit next to the Webmail domain.
  4. Click Save.

Existing users can still use the old domain if it resolves.

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