Overview The Database role installs MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB, along with the Enhance...
Installing the Database Role To run the database role on a server, ensure that port 3306 is...
Database Comparison Enhance supports both MySQL and MariaDB, allowing different database types...
my.cnf Per Server Settings You can configure my.cnf settings on a per-server basis for both...
Backing Up a Database as Root It is recommended to back up MySQL databases using the customer's...
Managing MySQL MySQL (or MariaDB) can be managed as root from the host operating system without...
Migrate MySQL to MariaDB You can move websites from a MySQL server to MariaDB using the 'Move...
PHPMyAdmin Enhance automatically installs phpMyAdmin, allowing your users to manage their...
MySQL Logs The following log file location is useful for diagnosing MySQL issues: Data File...