Ever wondered why some URLs begins with “https://”, while others start with “https://”? You may have seen the extra “s” in the URL on sites that require you to provide sensitive information. SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer is the reason behind the extra “s” in the website URL. Read on to understand this Simple FAQ on SSL Certificate.

According to SSL.com,

“SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers.”



Visual Examples of Websites with SSL Certifications

Standard SSL Example

SSL cert 1

Extended Validated (EV) SSL Example

SSL cert 2

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). HTTP and HTTPS are protocols where the data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to. With a SSL certificate, you are able to ensure all communications between the browsers and website are properly encrypted, thus lowering the risk of having sensitive information being swept by a third party.


Why do I need a SSL Certificate

  • To protect sensitive information that are exchanged online
  • To protect network traffic and logins
  • To protect file transfers when users are adding new pages to their websites, or when transferring large files
  • To safeguard online credit card transactions
  • To safeguard logins and actions done over web hosting control panels (cPanel, DirectAdmin, Plesks and etc)
  • To secure system logins
  • To secure the connection between an email client and email server


When do I need a SSL Certificate

Typically, when you collect sensitive personal and financial information from your clients, it is essential that you have a SSL connection to reduce the risk of such information being captured and misused by a third party. It also helps in giving assurance and confidence to your website visitors when their personal and payment information had to be shared.


What type of SSL Certificates we provide

Quape partners with _____, a highly-trusted web SSL Certificate Authority, a subsidiary of _____. For more information on the certificates and the different tier levels offered, please refer to our Quape SSL page.


How can I get a SSL Certificate

At Quape, we have various tiers of SSL Certificates. You may refer to the following Knowledge Base links to install your SSL after obtaining a SSL certificate.

  • How to secure my website with SSL (URL)
  • How to Install Your Thawte SSL (URL)


Get started with securing your website! Don't hesitate and contact us today.

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