Server Roles & Services

  • PHP Modules Not Showing

    • Run /usr/sbin/chrootbuilder, then toggle the PHP version to force a restart of the PHP daemon.
  • How to remove a dedicated server role

    • Downgrade the role by selecting a shared package and then re-upgrade to the dedicated package without the dedicated role.
  • Can't generate a website backup

    • Ensure a Backup role is installed and assigned to the website.
    • If the role was added after website creation, manually assign it through the Move server tool.
  • Email tools not showing on a website

    • Ensure an Email role is installed and assigned.
    • Check the website’s hosting package for email resources and use the Move server tool if needed.
  • Certificate warning in Email software

    • Ensure the server domain is added to each server running the Email role, and connect to this domain for email configuration.
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