Email Settings
Global Email Service Settings
The Email role uses Enhance's global Email Service settings by default. These settings include smart host configurations and message limits. You can override these settings on a per-server basis if needed.
Configuring Global Email Role Settings
- Go to Settings in the left sidebar.
- Click on Service settings from the menu.
- Navigate to the Email section.
You can configure:
- Maximum mailbox messages: Limits the number of messages sent per hour from each mailbox.
- Maximum website messages: Limits the number of messages sent per hour from each website. This overrides the mailbox limit for websites.
Smart Host Setting
The smart host feature configures the server to send outbound emails through an external service with authentication.
Overriding SMTP Settings on a Specific Server
To customize settings for a specific server:
- Open Servers in the left sidebar.
- Select Manage on the desired server.
- Navigate to the relevant Role and click Settings.
- Adjust any inherited global settings.
- Inherited settings will display the tag Default. Custom settings won’t have this tag.