Managing orders are only visible by Admin or Shop Managers. Orders will be created when a customer concludes the checkout process. Each order will be issued a unique Order ID.

Viewing an order

You can view orders submitted by your customers by heading to WooCommerce > Orders on the left admin menu. When orders are received, they will be shown in the order management page. The list displays important details such as customers' address, phone number, email, total price of products and their order status. In addition, if you want to view more, simply click on the order number or the "view order" button.

Every order has a status. These statuses allow you to determine how far along the order is, starting from pending and ending with complete. The following order statuses are used:

  • Pending payment – Order received (unpaid)
  • Failed – Payment failed or was declined (unpaid). Note that this status may not show immediately and instead show as pending until verified (i.e. PayPal)
  • Processing – Payment has been received and stock has decrease - the order is awaiting confirmation
  • On-Hold – Awaiting payment – stock is decreased, but you need to confirm payment
  • Completed – Order fulfilled and completedno further action required
  • Cancelled – Cancellation made by an admin or customer – no further action required
  • Refunded – Refunded by an admin – no further action required

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Additionally, this order list have some handy shortcut buttons to quickly indicate a complete order. Simply click on the Complete button to finalize the order.

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Editing single orders

At the single order page, you can view all order data, edit and update it. Most importantly you can:

  • - Change the order status
  • - Edit order items – modify the product, prices, and taxes
  • - Stock – Reduce and restore stock for an order
  • - Order Actions – Resend order emails to the customer by using the drop down menu above the Save Order button. Send New Order, Processing Order, Completed Order or Customer Invoice emails are very useful if you manually create an order for your customers
  • - Modify product Meta to edit product variations by removing and adding meta

You will notice the customers' billing and shipping addresses, along with a link to view other purchases the customer may have had in the past. To edit addresses, simply click ‘edit’ and a form will appear. Once you save the changes, the new address will be displayed in a localized format.

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The next panel on the order page is the Order Items panel. This panel shows items which are in a order, as well as their quantities and prices. Here you can also add additional fees for items. Click “Add fee” and type the fee name, tax status and amount.

The Order Totals panel features totals and tax for the order. You can either enter these values manually or have them to calculate for you using the ‘calc totals’ button. The totals comprise of the following:

  • - Cart Discount – pre-tax discounts. Can be auto-calculated.
  • - Order Discount – post-tax discounts. Require input manually.
  • - Shipping cost – cost excluding tax.
  • - Shipping method – name of the method.
  • - Cart tax – cart tax total.
  • - Shipping tax – shipping tax total.
  • - Order total
  • - Payment method – name of the payment method used.

Calc taxes and Calc totals are two buttons available on this panel – Calculating taxes will use your prices, and calculate the tax based on the customers shipping address. If the customer’s address has not been input, it will default to the stores base location.

There is also a section called tax rows where you can deermine (and name) multiple tax rows. This is very useful, for example, you take multiple taxes or use compound taxes. These values are displayed on the customer invoice.

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Order/Customer Notes

Order Notes panel displays notes attached to the order. These are used for keeping status details, such as payment results or reducing stock levels, and also for adding notes to the order for customers to view. Some payment gateways also add notes for debugging.

This feature is a very dynamic tool for communicating with customers. In situation such as to add a tracking number for shipping, or some stock is delayed, simply add a customer note and they will be automatically notified. Customers will receive notes via email, but only able to view them by viewing an order, or via the WooCommerce order tracking page.

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Note: The details shown above were used for demonstration purposes.

If you are unsure on a particular field, kindly locate the "?" icon on the side. A short description will pop-up to explain and assist you on the particular field.

However, if you still require assistance or have any further enquiries, feel free to contact our support team.

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