Copying Files Using DirectAdmin’s File Manager

The File Manager in DirectAdmin allows you to easily copy files between directories. Follow the steps below to copy files:

Step 1: Navigate to the Source Directory

  1. Log in to your DirectAdmin control panel.

  2. Go to the File Manager.

  1. Open the directory that contains the files you want to copy.

Step 2: Select Files to Copy

  1. Place a checkmark next to the file(s) or folder(s) you want to copy.

Step 3: Choose the Destination Directory

  1. Scroll to the dropdown menu next to the Move To button.

  2. From the dropdown, select the directory where you want the file(s) copied.

Step 4: Copy the File

  1. Click the Copy To button.

  2. A prompt will appear asking whether you want to overwrite existing files:

    • Select Yes to overwrite any files with the same name in the destination directory.

    • Select No to only copy files that don’t already exist in the destination folder.

Step 5: Confirm the Copy

Once the copying process is complete, you will be redirected to the destination directory. Verify that the copied file(s) appear in the new location.


  • Be cautious when overwriting files to avoid losing important data.

  • You can copy multiple files at once by selecting multiple checkboxes.

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