Autoresponder is used for responding emails automatically specially when you’re away, on a holiday or out-of-the-office. Create autoresponder by following the instructions in this article.

Step 1: Login to DirectAdmin.

login page directadmin

Step 2: Click on Autoresponders under the E-mail Management panel.

directadmin email management autoresponders

Step 3: Click on Create New Autoresponder.

directadmin autoresponder main page

Step 4: Enter the Responder Address in the text box. To select a frequency and minimum time for a repeated reply, click on the drop down box on the Reply Frequency panel. Do note that "" is an example.

Step 5: Click on the Create button once completed.

directadmin autoresponder add page


If you need assistance or have any further enquiries, feel free to contact our support team.

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